Mentoring & Supervision

For Clinicians

In the ever growing landscape of private practice, it is essential for therapists to obtain the support they need to become the best therapists they can be.

A university education is a foundation to be built upon and the next steps of professional growth comes through practice and mentorship. Clinical supervision can positively affect your professional well-being, confidence, and self-efficacy, reduce stress levels and improve job satisfaction.

While my clinical special interests are paediatric feeding and general paediatric caseloads, my skills in reflective practice, problem solving, and clinical management are transferable to mentoring all Allied Health Professionals and caseloads.

I love working with therapists and sharing those Aha! moments when the pieces fall into place and things start to make sense. Sessions are designed to solve problems in a practical way with ideas that you can take away and use immediately and to create long lasting positive changes in your practice.

For Clinic Managers and Owners

Lack of access to professional supervision is cited as a major reason why allied health professionals look to leave their current employer. Investing in the skills development of your workforce is a key element of staff satisfaction and retention while meeting your staff’s mandatory ongoing professional development needs and ensuring the delivery of high-quality clinical service.

Clinical supervision is most effective when:

  • the supervisor is a senior clinician who possess relevant clinical skills,
  • the supervisor is not in the clinician’s line of management
  • the organisation provides an environment environment that facilitates clinical supervision and prioritises it as part of a clinician’s professional duties.

What I Offer:

  • One on One Session – Best for individuals who are looking at building their capacity and knowledge base in working in private practice.
  • Peer Supervision Session – Best for practices with 3 or more clinical staff (Max.6 participants).  Can be used in conjunction with One on One Sessions or stand alone and is suitable for clinicians of the same or mixed professions.
  • Work Shadowing – Best for Paediatric Occupational Therapist new graduates up to 3 years out who require time limited one on one support in managing their caseloads.
  • Case Consultation – Best for any clinician needing a fresh set of eyes on a case.  This option is available for difficult cases or long-standing cases and involves direct contact with a client and their family in a one off session to explore a parent/carer’s understanding of their child in the therapy context.  At the end of the session, clinicians will have a clearer direction for therapy through the use of parent goals.

Sessions are available via online platforms (Zoom, Skype, Teams), face to face or via telephone.  I am also available for work shadowing and reflection.

What is included in a typical session:

For Paediatric OTs and Feeding Caseloads:

  • Reflective case based discussion
  • Problem solving approach to clinical case studies
  • Case formulation techniques
  • Goal setting strategies and techniques
  • Treatment planning strategies
  • Organisational skills
  • Time management skills
  • Progress note writing
  • Report writing
  • Direct advice on clinical caseloads
  • Practice sessions for assessment and treatment plans
  • Resource suggestions and planning
  • Critique and review of recorded sessions if desired

For non-paediatric and/or non-OT clinicians (SP, PT)

  • Reflective case based discussion
  • Problem solving approach to clinical case studies
  • Case formulation techniques
  • Goal setting strategies and techniques
  • Treatment planning strategies
  • Organisational skills
  • Time management skills
  • Progress note writing
  • Report writing

Please note, I am not able to provide work-shadowing or direct clinical support to Speech Pathologists, Physiotherapists or non-paediatric OT caseloads with clinical performance management concerns or provide advice on treatment in these professions.  If you fit this category and would still like Work-shadow or Direct Case Consultation, please call me to discuss before booking.

Contact Pippa to discuss customising the best workshop for your practice.